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Under Review

Lindsay, E.K., Young, S., & Creswell, J.D. (under review). Mindfulness training fosters a positive outlook during acute stress: A randomized controlled trial.


Khan, M.N.H., Creswell, J.D., Albert, J., O’Connell, P., Fallon, S., Polowitz, M., Dutcher, J.M., & Islam, B. (under review). MindfulEar: Can You Hear the Growth of Your Mindfulness Skills?


​​*Chin, B.N., Price, S., Dutcher, J.M., Villalba, D.K., Tumminia, M.J., Creswell, K.G., Dey, A.K., &;
Creswell, J.D. (under review). Actigraphic sleep health disparities between Asian and White
college students.


Rahrig, H., Bjork, J. M., Creswell, J. D., Lindsay, E. K., & Brown, K. W. (under review). Disrupting the resting state: Mindfulness training alters default mode network connectivity.


*Kalnicky, E., Chin, B., Greco, C., Smyth, J., Brown, K.W., & Creswell, J.D. (under review). Increasing
environmental concerns by fostering mindful acceptance.


O’Dean, S. M., Summerell, E., Creswell, J. D., Harmon-Jones, E., & Denson, T. F. (under review). The effects of mindfulness on anger and aggression: A meta-analytic review.




Creswell, D., Brown, K.W., Cohen, S., Creswell, K., Zoccola, P., Dickerson,S., Dutcher, J., Wu, S., Chin, B. (2024). Does high perceived stress over the past month alter cortisol reactivity to the Trier Social Stress Test? Psychoneuroendocrinology, 107256. [article]


Lipsett, M., Berkman, E., & Creswell, J.D. (in press). Habits of mind: mindful awareness from a habits framework. The Handbook of Mindfulness. 


Beloborodova, P., Dutcher, J. M., Villalba, D. K., Tumminia, M. J. Doryab, A., Creswell, K., Cohen, S., Sefdigar, Y., Seo, W., Mankoff, J., Dey, A., Creswell, J. D., & Brown, K. W. (2024). College students’ daily mind wandering is related to lower social well-being. Journal of American College Health, 1-13. [article]


Yan R., Liu X., Dutcher J.M., Tumminia M.J., Villalba D., Cohen S., Creswell J.D., Creswell K., Mankoff J., Dey A.K., Doryab A. (2024) Identifying Links between Productivity and Biobehavioral Rhythms Modeled from Multimodal Sensor Streams. Journal of Medical Internet Research- Artificial Intelligence, 3, e47194. [article]


Lindsay, E.K., Marsland, A.L., Cole, S., Dutcher, J.M., Greco, C.M., Wright, A.G.C., Brown, K.W., & Creswell, J.D. (2024). Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction reduces pro-inflammatory gene expression but not systemic inflammation among older adults: A randomized controlled trial. Psychosomatic Medicine, 10-1097. [article]



Chang, Y. K., Gill, DL., Creswell, J. D., Lin, C. Y., Chu, C. H., Nien, J. T. (2023). Effect of mindfulness-based intervention on endurance performance under pressure and performance-relevant mental attributes an interdisciplinary perspective: Protocol for a Mindfulness-Based Peak Performance (MBPP) trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 129, 107175. [article]


Creswell, J. D., Tumminia, M. J., Price, S., Sefidgar, Y., Cohen, S., Ren, Y., Brown, J., Dey, A. K., Dutcher, J. M., Villalba, D., Mankoff, J., Xu, X., Creswell, K., Doryab, A., Mattingly, S., Striegel, A., Hachen, D., Martinez, G., & Lovett, M. C. (2023). Nightly sleep duration predicts grade point average in the first year of college. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(8), e2209123120. [article]


Woods, W.C., Edershile, E.A., Ringwald, W.R., Sharpe, B.M., Himmelstein, P.H., Newman, M.G., Wilson, S.J., Ellison W.D., Levy, K.N., Pincus, A.L., Creswell, J.D., & Wright, A.G.C. (2023). Psychometric evaluation of a visual interpersonal analogue scale. Psychological Assessment, 35(4), 311-324. [article]


Westbrook, C.A., Dutcher, J., Kusmierski, S., Creswell, J.D., Akpan, E., & Hallion, L.S. (2023). Neural mechanisms of mindful disengagement from worry. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, 132(1), 38-50. [article]



Yan, R. Liu, X., Dutcher, J.M., Tumminia, M., Villalba, D. Cohen, S., Creswell, J.D., Creswell, KG., Mankoff, J., Dey, A., & Doryab, A. (in press). A computational framework for modeling biobehavioral rhythms from mobile and wearable data streams. Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology.


*Dutcher, J.M., Lederman, J., Jain, M., Price, S., Kumar, A., Villalba, D.K., Tumminia, M.J., Doryab, A.,Creswell, K.G., Mankoff, J., Cohen, S., Dey, A., & Creswell, J.D. (2022). Lack of belonging predicts depressive symptomatology in college students. Psychological Science, 33(7),1048-1067. [article]


Dutcher, J.M., Williams, A.C., Cole, S.W., Creswell, J.D., & Creswell, J.D. (2022). Smartphone mindfulness meditation training reduces Pro-inflammatory gene expression in stressed adults: A randomized controlled trial. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 103, 171-177. [article]


Lindsay, E.M., Creswell, J.D., Stern, H.J., Greco, C.M., Walko, T.D., Dutcher, J.D., Wright, A.G.C.,Brown, K.W., &; Marsland, A.L. (2022). Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction increases stimulated IL-6 production among lonely older adults: A randomized controlled trial. Brain Behavior and Immunity, 104, 6-15. [article]


*Manigault, A. W., Slutsky, J., Raye, J., & Creswell, J. D. (2021). Examining practice effects in a randomized controlled trial: Daily life mindfulness practice predicts stress buffering effects of mindfulness meditation training. Mindfulness, 12(10), 2487–2497. [article]


Rahrig, H., Bjork, J.M., Tirado, C., Chester, D., Creswell, J.D., Lindsay, E.K., Penberthy, J.K., & Brown,
K.W. (2021). Punishment on pause: preliminary evidence that mindfulness training modifies
neural response to provocation in a reactive aggression task. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 15, Article 689373. [article]


Loucks, E. B., Rosenkranz, M. A., & Creswell, J. D. (2021). Harnessing life’s slings and arrows: The science and opportunities for mindfulness meditation in a global pandemic and beyond. Psychosomatic Medicine, 83(6), 497-502. [article]


*Lindsay, E. K., Creswell, J. D., Stern, H. J., Greco, C. M., Dutcher, J. M., Lipitz, S., Walsh, C. P., Wright, A. G. C., Brown, K. W., & Marsland, A. L. (2021). Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction buffers glucocorticoid resistance: A randomized controlled trial. Psychosomatic Medicine, 83(6), 641-649. [article]


*Chin, B., Lindsay, E.K., Greco, C., Smyth, J., Brown, K.W., & Creswell, J.D. (2021). Mindfulness interventions improve momentary and trait measures of attentional control: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 150, 686-699.


Chikersal, P., Doryab, A., Tumminia, M., Villalba, D. K., Dutcher, J. M, Liu, X., Cohen, S., Creswell. K., Mankoff, J., Creswell., J. D., Goel, M., Dey., A. (2021). Detecting depression and predicting its onset using longitudinal symptoms captured by passive sensing: a machine learning approach with robust feature selection. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 28(1), Article 3. [article]


Hafeman, D. M., Ostroff, A. N., Feldman, J., Hickey, M. B., Phillips, M., Creswell, J. D., Birmaher, B., & Goldstein, T. (2020). Mindfulness-based intervention to decrease mood lability in at-risk youth: Preliminary evidence for changes in resting state functional connectivity. Journal of Affective Disorders, 276, 23-29. [article]


*Dutcher, J. M., Eisenberger, N. I., Woo, H., Klein, W. M. P., Harris, P. R., Levine, J. M., & Creswell, J. D. (2020). Neural mechanisms of self-affirmation’s stress buffering effects. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 15(10), 1086–1096. [article]


Doryab, A., Villalba, D., Chikersal, P., Dutcher, J. M., Tumminia, M., Liu, X., Cohen, S., Creswell, K. G., Mankoff, J., Creswell, J. D., & Dey, A. (2019). Identifying behavioral phenotypes of loneliness and social isolation with passive sensing: A three-fold analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research. [article]


*Villalba, D., Lindsay, E. K., Chin, B., Marsland, A., Young, S., Smyth, J., Brown, K. W., Greco, C., & Creswell, J.D. (2019). Mindfulness training and systemic low-grade inflammation in stressed community adults: Evidence from two randomized controlled trials. PLoS One. [article]


*Chin, B., Lindsay, E. K., Greco, C., Brown, K. W., Smyth, J., & Creswell, J. D. (2019). Psychological mechanisms driving stress resilience in mindfulness training: A randomized controlled trial. Health Psychology. [article]


Creswell, J. D., Villalba, D., Chin, B., & Lindsay, E. K. (2019). Mindfulness training and physical health: Mechanisms and outcomes. Psychosomatic Medicine. [article]


*Lindsay, E. K. & Creswell, J. D. (2019). Mindfulness, acceptance, and emotion regulation: Perspectives from Monitor and Acceptance Theory (MAT). Current Opinion in Psychology, 28, 120-125. [article]


Xu, X., Chikersal, P., *Dutcher, J. M., Tumminia, M., Villalba, D. K., Cohen, S., Creswell, J. D., Creswell, K. G., Doryab, A., Nurius, P., Riskin, E. A., Dey, A. K., & Mankoff, J. (2019). Leveraging collaborative-filtering for personalized behavior modeling: A case study of depression detection among college students. Proceedings of ACM Interaction Mobile Wearable Ubiquitous Technologies, 3, 116. [article]


*Lindsay, E. K., Young, S., Brown, K. W., Smyth, J., & Creswell, J. D (2019). Mindfulness training reduces loneliness and increases social contact in a randomized controlled trial. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116, 3488-3493. [article]


*Slutsky, J., Chin, B., Raye, J., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Mindfulness training improves employee well-being: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. [article]


*Chin, B., Slutsky, J., Raye, J., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Mindfulness training reduces stress at work: A randomized controlled trial. Mindfulness. [article]


*Lindsay, E. K., Chin, B., Greco, C., Young, S., Brown, K., Wright, A. G. C., Smyth, J. S., Burkett, D., & Creswell, D. (2018). How mindfulness training promotes positive emotions: Dismantling monitor and acceptance in two randomized controlled trials. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. [article]


*Dutcher, J. M. & Creswell, J. D. (2018). The role of brain reward pathways in stress resilience and health. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 95, 559-567. [article]


*Dutcher, J. M. & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Behavioral interventions in health neuroscience. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1428, 51-70. [article]


*Schumer, M., Lindsay, E. K., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Brief mindfulness interventions and negative affect: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 86, 569-583. [article]


*Lindsay, E. K., Young, S., Smyth, J. M., Brown, K. W. & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Acceptance lowers stress reactivity: Dismantling mindfulness training in a randomized controlled trial. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 87, 63-73. [article]


*Taren, A., Gianaros, P. J., Greco, C. M., Lindsay, E. K., Fairgrieve, A., Brown, K. W., Rosen, R. K., Ferris, J. L., Julson, E., Marsland, A. L., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Mindfulness meditation training and executive control network resting state functional connectivity: A randomized controlled trial. Psychosomatic Medicine, 79, 674-683. [article]


*Rahl, H. A., Lindsay, E. K., Brown, K. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Brief mindfulness meditation training reduces mind-wandering: The critical role of acceptance training. Emotion. [article


Creswell, J. D. (2017). Mindfulness Interventions. Annual Review of Psychology. [article

*Lindsay, E. K. & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Mechanisms of mindfulness training: Monitor and Acceptance Theory (MAT). Clinical Psychology Review, 51, 47-59. [

Slutsky, J., Rahl, H., Lindsay, E., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Mindfulness, emotion regulation, and social threat. Invited book chapter for Mindfulness in Social Psychology. Springer Publications. [


Bursley, J. K., Nestor, A., Tarr, M., & Creswell, J. D. (2016). Memory reactivation in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during offline processing. PLoS One. [article]

Creswell, J. D., Taren, A., Lindsay, E. K., Greco, C. M., Gianaros, P. J., Fairgrieve, A., Marsland, A. L., Brown, K. W., Way, B. M., Rosen, R. K., & Ferris, J. L. (2016). Alterations in Resting State Functional Connectivity link Mindfulness Meditation with Reduced Interleukin-6: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Biological Psychiatry. [

*Dutcher, J. M., Creswell, J. D., Pacilio, L. E., Harris, P. R., Klein, W. M. P., Levine, J. M., Bower, J. E., Muscatell, K. A., Eisenberger, N. I. (2016). Self-affirmation activates the ventral striatum: A possible reward-related mechanism for self-affirmation. Psychological Science, 1-12. [


Schofield, T. P., Creswell, J. D., & Denson, T. F. (2015). Brief mindfulness induction reduces inattentional blindness. Consciousness and Cognition, 37, 63-70. [article

*Lindsay, E. K. & Creswell, J. D. (2015). Back to the basics: how attention monitoring and acceptance stimulate positive growth. Commentary in Psychological Inquiry. [

*Taren, A., Gianaros, P. J., Greco, C. M., Lindsay, E. K., Fairgrieve, A., Brown, K. W., Rosen, R. K., Ferris, J. L., Julson, E., Marsland, A. L., Bursley, J. K., Ramsburg, J. & Creswell, J. D. (2015). Mindfulness meditation training alters stress-related amygdala resting state functional connectivity: A randomized controlled trial. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2015, 1758-1768. [

Hyde, L. W., Tompson, S., Creswell, J. D., Falk, E. B. (2015). Cultural neuroscience: New directions as the field matures. What do cultural neuroscience findings mean? Culture and Brain. [

Creswell, J. D. (2015). Biological pathways linking mindfulness with health. Eds. Brown, K. W., Creswell J. D., & Ryan, R. Handbook on Mindfulness Science. Guilford Publications, New York, NY. [

Quaglia, J. T., Brown, K. W., Lindsay, E. K., Creswell, J. D., & Goodman, R. J. (2015). From Conceptualization to Operationalization of Mindfulness. Invited book chapter for Mindfulness in Social Psychology. Eds. Brown, K.W., Creswell, Ryan, R., Handbook on Mindfulness Science. Guilford Publications. New York, NY. 

Sayers, M., Creswell, J. D., & Taren, A. (2015). The emerging neurobiology of mindfulness and emotion processing. Ed. Ostafin, B. Handbook of Mindfulness and Self-Regulation. Springer. New York, NY. [

Brown, K. W., Creswell, J. D., & Ryan, R. (2015). The evolution of mindfulness research. Eds. Brown, K. W., Creswell, J. D., & Ryan, R. Handbook of Mindfulness: Theory, Research, and Practice. Guilford Publications. New York, NY. 


Creswell, J. D. & Lindsay, E. K. (2014). How does mindfulness training affect health? A mindfulness stress buffering account. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 23(6), 401-407. [article

Erickson, K., Creswell, J. D., Verstynen, T. & Gianaros, P. (2014). Health Neuroscience: Defining a New Field. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 23, 446-453. [

Denson, T. F., Creswell, J. D., Terides, M. D., Blundell, K. (2014). Cognitive reappraisal increases neuroendocrine reactivity to acute social stress and physical pain. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 49, 69-78. [

Tabibnia, G., Creswell, J. D., Kraynack, T. E., Westbrook, C., Julson, E., & Tindle, H. A. (2014). Common prefrontal regions activate during self-control of craving, emotion, and motor impulses in smokers. Clinical Psychological Science, 2(5), 611-619. [

*Lindsay, E. K. & Creswell, J. D. (2014). Helping the self help others: Self-affirmation increases feelings of self-compassion and pro-social behaviors. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 421. [

Harris, P. R., Brearley, I., Sheeran, P., Barker, M., Klein, W. M. P., Creswell, J. D., & Levine, J. (2014). Combining self-affirmation with implementation intentions to promote healthy eating. Health Psychology, 33, 729-726. [

Burklund, L. J., Creswell, J. D., Irwin, M. R., & Lieberman, M. D. (2014). The common and distinct neural bases of affect labeling and reappraisal in healthy adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 5: 221. [

Creswell, J. D., Pacilio, L. E., Lindsay, E. K. & Brown, K. W. (2014). Brief mindfulness meditation training alters psychological and neuroendocrine responses to social evaluative stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 44, 1-12. [


Klatzky, R. L. & Creswell, J. D. (2013). An inter-sensory account of priming effects - and their absence. Perspectives on Psychological Science. [article

Creswell, J. D., Bursley, J. K., & Satpute, A. B. (2013). Neural reactivation links unconscious thought to decision making performance. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience. [


Feature commentary: Dijksterhuis, A. (2013). First neural evidence for the unconscious thought process. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 8, 845-846. [article]

Creswell, J. D., Dutcher, J. M., Klein, W. M. P, Harris, P. R., & Levine, J. M. (2013). Self-affirmation improves problem-solving under stress. PLoS One. [article

Creswell, J. D., Pacilio, L. E., Denson, T. F., & Satyshur, M. (2013). The effect of a primary sexual reward manipulation on cortisol responses to psychosocial stress in men. Psychosomatic Medicine. [

* Taren, A. A., Creswell, J. D., Gianaros, P. J. (2013). Dispositional mindfulness co-varies with smaller amygdala and caudate volumes in community adults. PLoS One. [

* Westbrook, C., Creswell, J. D., Tabibnia, G., Julson, E., Kober, H., & Tindle, H. (2013). Mindful attention reduces neural and self-reported cue-induced cravings in smokers. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience. 8, 73-74. [

Holzel, B. K., Hoge, E. A., Greve, D. N., Gard, T., Creswell, J. D., Brown, K. W., Barrett, L. F., Schwartz, C., Vaitl, D., & Lazar, S. W. (2013). Neural mechanisms of symptom improvements in Generalized Anxiety Disorder following mindfulness training. NeuroImage: Clinical. [


Creswell, J. D., Irwin, M. R., Burklund, L. J., Lieberman, M. D., Arevalo, J., Breen, E., & Cole, S. (2012). Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction training reduces loneliness and pro-inflammatory gene expression in older adults: a small randomized controlled trial. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. [article

Brown, K. W., Weinstein, N., & Creswell, J. D. (2012). Trait mindfulness modulates neuroendocrine and affective responses to social evaluative threat. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37, 2037-2041. [

Denson, T. F., Creswell, J. D., & Granville-Smith, I. (2012). Self-focus and social evaluative threat increase salivary cortisol responses to acute stress in men. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, DOI 10.1007/s10865-011-9393-x. [


Kilpatrick, L. A., Suyenobu, B. Y., Smith, S. R., Bueller, J. A., Goodman, T., Creswell, J. D., Mayer, E. A., & Naliboff, B. D. (2011). Impact of Mindfullness-Based Stress Reduction training on resting state networks. NeuroImage, 56,290-298. [article]


Way, B., Creswell, J. D., Eisenberger, N. I., & Lieberman, M. D. (2010). Dispositional mindfulness and depressive symptomatology: Correlations with limbic and self-referential neural activity at rest. Emotion, 10, 12-24. [article]


O'Connor, M. F., Bower, J. E., Cho, H. J., Creswell, J. D., Dimitrov, S., Hamby, M. E., Hoyt, M. A., Martin, J. L., Robles, T. F., Sloan, E. K., Thomas, K., & Irwin, M. R. (2009). To assess, to control, to exclude: Effects of biobehavioral factors on circulating inflammatory markers. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 23, 887-897. [article

Sherman, D. K., Bunyan, D. P., Creswell, J. D., & Jaremka, L. (2009). Psychological vulnerability and stress: the effects of self-affirmation on sympathetic nervous system responses to naturalistic stressors. Health Psychology, 28, 563-568. [

Denson, T. F., Fabiansson, E. C., Creswell, J. D., & Pedersen, W. C. (2009). Experimental effects of rumination styles on salivary cortisol responses. Motivation and Emotion, 33, 42-48. [

Creswell, J. D., Myers, H. F., Cole, S. W., & Irwin, M. R. (2009). Mindfulness meditation training effects on CD4+ T lymphocytes in HIV-1 infected adults: A small randomized controlled trial. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 23, 184-188. [


Ward, A., Mann, T., Westling, E. H., Creswell, J. D., Ebert, J. P., & Wallaert, M. (2008). Stepping up the pressure: arousal can be associated with a reduction in male aggression. Aggressive Behavior, 34, 584-592. [article

Brown, K. W., Ryan, R. M., Creswell, J. D., & Niemiec, C. P. (2008). Beyond me: Mindful responses to social threat. In. H. A. Wayment & J. J. Bauer (Eds.), Transcending Self-Interest: Psychological Explorations of the Quiet Ego. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.


Creswell, J. D., Way, B. M., Eisenberger, N. I., & Lieberman, M. D. (2007). Neural correlates of dispositional mindfulness during affect labeling. Psychosomatic Medicine, 69, 560-565. [article]

Brown, K. W., Ryan, R. M., Creswell, J. D. (2007). Mindfulness: Theoretical foundations and evidence for its salutary effects. Psychological Inquiry, 18, 211-237. [

Brown, K. W., Ryan, R. M., & Creswell, J. D. (2007). Addressing fundamental questions about mindfulness. Psychological Inquiry, 18, 272-281. [

Ryan, R. M., Brown, K. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2007). How integrative is attachment theory? Unpacking the meaning and significance of felt security. Psychological Inquiry, 18, 177-182. [

Creswell, J. D., Lam, S., Stanton, A. S., Taylor, S. E., Bower, J. E., & Sherman, D. K. (2007). Does self-affirmation, cognitive processing, or discovery of meaning explain the cancer-related health benefits of expressive writing? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 238-250. [


Creswell, J. D., Welch, W. T., Taylor, S. E., Sherman, D. K., Greunewald, T. L., & Mann, T. (2005). Affirmation of personal values buffers neuroendocrine and psychological stress responses. Psychological Science, 16, 846-851. [article

Hanson, W. E., Creswell, J. W., Plano Clark, V. L., Petska, K. S., & Creswell, J. D. (2005). Mixed methods research designs in counseling psychology. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 224-235. [

Creswell, J. W. & Creswell, J. D. (2005). Mixed methods research: Developments, debates, and dilemmas. In R.A. Swanson & E.F. Holton (Eds.), Research in Organizations: Foundations and Methods of Inquiry. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.


Myers, H., Woolery, A., & Creswell, J. D. (2004). Stress, hypertension and high blood pressure. In N. Anderson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Health and Behavior. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Papers & Publications

For some of these publications, we provide electronic PDF copies for educational non-commercial use only. The copyright to these publications is maintained by the publishers in most of these papers. 

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Creswell, J. D. (2014). Early Career Award Biography. American Psychologist, 69, 743-745. [article]

Popular Science Articles

Creswell, J.D. (May 1, 2024). Exercise helps your brain as much as your body. Scientific American. (​ [article]


Creswell, J.D. (November, 10, 2023). Learning to accept discomfort could help you thrive. Scientific American. ( [article]


Creswell, J.D. (June 24, 2023). The COVID-19 pandemic is over but we still feel miserable. What now? Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. ( [article]

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